China Democrat
wholly owned subsidiary of
PUGUA' International Corporation
Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China
Hello & Nin Hao,
WELCOME Norbert & Graciela Perez TO The People's Republic of China.
Have a special treat for you. I have been advised by Saina Lawrence Muna that our MENSA team @ Micropacific
Labs have finally developed that Telepathic Infusion according to Norbert Perez's requisites.
Everyone is familiar with E-Mails? Well our team of geniuses at the Lab have designed the Global Masking Network
which will allow you and every person in the Universe to receive Telepathic Messages from our Saina.
How kool is that? The years of dedication and hardwork have finally paid-off. Thousands of hours of study,
trials, and tribulations; Decades of intense mental anguish; our worldwide Telepathy & Telekineses projects;
PLUS... our Subliminal Messaging forum....are responsible for us bringing you the FUTURE...N O W.
How does it work:
To be included in our Saina's Global Address, you simply CHANT these phrases:
Guåhu Patgon Saina...
Guåhu Chamori....
Pacha Yu' Nåna
Håtmi Yu' På'go....Guåhu Si ( Your Name)
***Repeat it Seven (7) prime and
alert the Neurons in your brain.
Honest-to-god, it works. Even though I am not CHAMORI, I am humbled by the mind & dedication of my friend,
NORBERT PEREZ. Talk about Changing the World? yeah. yeah. yeah. This man is a GOD.
Sincerely yours,
Ming Feng Wu
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